Thursday, 19 March 2020
Take Advantage of A Temporary Drop In Asset Prices
It’s definitely hitting the fan out there. The virus has hit almost every asset class and nothing is safe other than cash. Even bonds are selling out.
This is the proverbial “Black Swan Event” that, no doubt, creates a sense of panic every time we look at the markets.
But you should look at this as a temporary downturn in financial assets.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Don't freak out when the market goes south.
Since Monday the Dow Jones has tumbled further than any week since October 2008. The equity markets are officially in correction territory and most experts are attributing the selloff to the effects of the coronavirus.
In light of the market mania, it can be difficult to stick to fundamentals and very easy to abandon your prior planning and hard work.
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
Gambling, gaming,'s not investing.
Monday, 07 January 2019
Just a Quick Note on Annual Investment Outlooks…
Each year, seemingly thousands of financial institutions, professional investors and everyday financial advisors provide a forward-looking outlook for the coming year. These outlook papers serve as forward-looking predictions for the market and economy. Ostensibly, investors leverage these insights to position their portfolios for success.
There is no shortage of intellectual geniuses in the investment community. For decades, the brightest, most ambitious go-getters from all over the globe have flooded into asset management firms in search of their investment fortune. I won’t pretend to be half as smart as these folks. I’m not a CFA, nor do I play one on TV.